VLE Advice
Priory Belvoir Academy offers a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) to all pupils, across all subject areas, which holds many class resources, web links and other learning related materials to both assist in and allow for independent learning. This can be particularly useful for homework, coursework and revision.
Over the last few years the VLE has been developed and seen many subject areas using this site as a repository where pupils can download the resources they need to complete homework tasks. Some subjects even use a blog-style page to remind pupils about homework and coursework deadlines.
Logging on to the VLE also gives pupils access to their own network folder, as well as subject resources and academy software. This can be particularly useful if a programme isn’t available on the pupils' home computer as learning is not hindered by not having the right software; a reliable broadband connection is required to allow this to work. To use the academy's software on a home computer, an application called Citrix needs to be installed to allow a secure connection to the school network. Further details on how to install this are included in the PDF below, along with instructions on how to logon to the VLE.
Using Citrix through the VLE PDF
If your child experiences problems either logging into the VLE, or using the academy's software from home, please ensure they take a screen print of the error message and either e-mail it to the academy or print a copy off to show to their teacher who will pass it on to the ICT Department.
For families who don’t have computer access, pupils may print off any worksheets or resources they need in the academy to help them with homework tasks.