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End of Summer Term Communication - July 2024

Wednesday 10th July 2024.

Dear Parent/Carer,


As we end another highly successful year, please can I encourage you to read the end of term newsletter which details many of the learning opportunities and successes from the last two terms. Clearly, as a school we were very happy with the outcome of the Ofsted inspection in June and that our many strengths are recognised in the report which you can find here.  Rest assured that the development points we were left with are incorporated into the Academy Development Plan priorities for September.  We achieved further success in June having been reaccredited for our excellent provision in careers education by the quality in careers standard - Career Mark.  Our success and achievements at the Priory Belvoir Academy are reflected through hard work, commitment and collaboration across the academy.


We are looking forward to celebrating the hard work of our outgoing Year 11 results on Thursday 22nd August.  The annual Prom marked the end of their time at Belvoir and our students certainly did it in style.  Arriving in sports cars, limousines and tractors, the start of the evening is always a spectacle.  But this year, a certain young lady stole the limelight arriving by horseback riding side saddle.  Their transformation from school pupil to sophisticated young adults in a matter of weeks never fails to impress with the boys sporting sharp suits and the girls in elegant dresses all looking simply stunning. 


Our new Year 7 intake were welcomed for their induction day on Thursday 4th July and they were involved in a range of activities and lessons, making new friends and given a taste of what is on offer as they join the Belvoir family.  Already, they are looking forward to their Year 7 residential trip to Grafham Water in the Autumn term.  All of our new parents have been warmly welcomed to the school.


In September, students will be tempted by new menus and tasty treats for hot break and school lunches by our new catering provider, Aspens.  Click here for a sneak-peak at the menus.  More information will be emailed to parents at the end of August in preparation for the new academic year.


In preparation for September, please read the uniform letter sent by Mr Miller earlier in the week so that all students have a smooth start to the new academic year.


On behalf of the community of Belvoir, I extend our thanks and gratitude to Dom Cullen for 7 years of dedicated service as Chair of Governors who has now officially resigned from office.  He has been a first class advocate for the school and we have benefitted from his generosity in teaching our further maths students over the years.  Our Chair designate is Kate Beardmore until her appointment is recommended to the Priory Federation of Academies Board of Trustees for approval in September.


Wishing all of our students and families a restful summer holiday and we look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday 4th September 2024.


Yours faithfully,

Mr L S Newton





Social Media

Mr Quinn has been busy improving our presence online and the academy social media pages are going from strength to strength. It’s proving a fantastic way to showcase life at Belvoir. If you want to see the latest trip or activity in school make sure you follow our accounts.


Instagram : @academypriorybelvoir

Facebook: Priory Belvoir Academy


Peacock Pride

Peacock Pride Champions Awards have seen so many pupils recognised over the Spring and Summer Terms for a range of reasons, from always being the best they can be (Drive Champion), outstanding creativity and inspirational verbal contributions (lnspiration Champion) and taking on key roles (Responsibility Champion).  All nominated pupils went into the Spring and Summer prize wheelspins and for every year group, more than two thirds of the year had their name on the wheel.  In a nutshell, they are clearly a pleasure to teach!


Those with a multitude of nominations since January have secured the silver, and in some cases, the gold Inspiration and Drive badges to wear with pride on their blazers.  Physical gold badges were also awarded to a number of Year 10 and 11 pupils for their outstanding achievement and contribution to school sport since joining Belvoir in Year 7.  Their dedication and competitive spirit have been amazing and they are great role models for our younger pupils showing similar sporting ambition.


Careers Mark

On Wednesday 26th June, Complete Careers re-evaluated our Quality in Careers Standard award. The assessor met with small groups of students from each year group to talk about how they felt about all things careers at Priory Belvoir. After the event, the assessor complemented our careers programme in school and was impressed with our students confidence and knowledge when talking about careers within the Academy.  Congratulations to all involved!


Sports Day

Our annual sports day on the 28th June was a triumph!  We were delighted that so many students proudly came to school in their house colours and took time to use face paint, ribbons and glitter to decorate each other.  The atmosphere was competitive but supportive in equal measures throughout the day with all students getting involved in either the athletic events, other sports or volunteering as officials or photographers.  The results will be revealed to the students on the final afternoon of the year and Mr Quinn will share some of the photos on the school social media accounts – take a look when they are pushed out.

Some real highlights from the day include:

  • 271 different students competed in the 36 athletics events across the 3 days​
  • Hundreds of other students took part in badminton, table tennis, just dance and rounders​
  • 11 ex-students came back in to help run the day​
  • 6 school records were broken​
  • Hundreds of ice-creams were eaten​
  • New Belvoir conga record was set​

The new school record holders were:

Year 8 boy's high jump - 1.47 metres​

Year 7 girl's long jump - 4.43 metres ​

Year 7 girl's shot putt - 7.10 metres​

Year 10 girl's 100m - 12.85seconds​

Year 7 boy's shot putt - 8.40 m​etres

Year 8 boy's javelin 31.6 metres


Extra-Curricular Sport

It has been a very successful and exciting term in regards to PE.  There have been multiple wins in rounders across years 8,9 and 10 girls.  We have had 2 softball fixtures which we have won, year 8 and 9 boys.  We had 2 cricket fixtures.  The first was played by the Year 7 boys against John Fernley, which we won convincingly and the second fixture was a Year 10 game where unfortunately we were batting really well, and then got beat by the weather with the rain cancelling the game.  Our year 9 and 10 girls played their inaugural NFL flag football tournament, where they represented Leicestershire, and finished in a very respectable 2nd place.  We have had 6 students representing the school at the county athletics competition after winning events in Corby.  Also, in athletics 2 students won 3 medals at the disability athletics event at Saffron Lane in Leicester.  We have also had a Netball Club trip to national competition.  Netball clubs come from up and down the country to participate.  This competition is held over a weekend with 54 students and 4 staff attending.  They also get a little trip to Alton Towers.  With all this going on, the PE department still have a sport club on every lunchtime, where we offer a range of sports, badminton, pickleball, netball, volleyball, basketball and futsal.


One of our Year 8 students came 7/18 in 50m breaststroke at National Qualifiers in Leeds for swimming in April which is frankly a fantastic achievement as he is only just 13.


Another one of our Year 8 students was entered as a wild card in the International Tennis Federation’s Bolton Indoor Tournament for wheelchair tennis in February. Competing in the Juniors, he was up against top players from across Europe - in the adult competition players travelled from as far afield as Japan and South America.

This was an epic experience for the student as it was not only his first international competition, it was his first ever competition.

Considering the field of players he was up against, he managed to win two games in his first singles match against a fellow GB player ranked 32 in the world. Although he fell out in the first round, he returned on the Sunday to partner the same boy in the doubles.


Summer Showcase 2024

On Thursday 28th June, parents, carers and friends of students who have instrumental lessons came to our annual Summer Showcase performance evening. Interspersed with performances from Rock School, the aim of the evening was for our budding musicians to show the progress they have made with their instruments since last year. As a result of instrumental lesson figures increasing for the second year in a row, there were actually so many performers that the event had to be split into two separate shows - so this one was for students in the upper school to show off their skills. A huge variety of styles were shown, with pop vocals, classical flute, clarinet and piano, musical theatre hits and classic rock tracks. As well as individual progress, it was fantastic to see the development of our Rock School bands, run this year by our guitar teacher, Will Hay. It was a brilliant event and the students really did the school and their parents proud! The lower school version will follow in the new school year!


We Will Rock You

Back in February we had a fantastic show week for 'We Will Rock You'; performers, backstage crew and front of house volunteers pulled together to deliver 3 brilliant performances including a matinee to our local Primary Schools. We can't wait to do it all over again next year in our forthcoming production of Matilda. Buy your tickets when they are released to avoid disappointment.


Drama Performance Examinations

In March, 31 students from years 10 and 11 completed their drama performance examinations in front of a visiting examiner. Year 10 devised and performed their own pieces on a wide range of topics, whilst year 11 performed extracts from published plays. They managed to control their nerves successfully and deliver some excellent performances.


Matilda the Musical

The final round of audition call backs took place recently for our production of Matilda the Musical; auditionees worked together to perform script extracts and sang excerpts from the song ‘Naughty’. We were blown away by the talent and enthusiasm shown on stage!

Congratulations to everyone who auditioned, we now have a wonderful cast of 80 students and look forward to welcoming the new year 7s to join us in September. We will hit the ground running with rehearsals starting in September and callouts for backstage crew.

Tickets for the show will go on sale later in the autumn term.



In April, 27 students from years 8-10 saw a production of ‘The Life of Pi’ at Nottingham Theatre Royal. The play is a stage adaptation of the novel by Yann Martel and has won 5 Olivier and 3 Tony Awards. Students and staff were impressed by both the acting and the design, particularly the innovative use of projection and puppetry.

A group of students from year 8 have been busy completing their Bronze Arts Award. This term they are teaching each other a creative skill of their choice, we have everything from dancing to knitting! These students will receive their award from Trinity College London, along with their silver inspiration badge early next term.

Arts Award will be running again from September for our current year 7s as they progress into year 8.



Year 7 and 8 Dance Club has been extremely popular on Thursday and students are simply loving it!  The club is at full capacity with a waiting list! Every week students participate in a Just Dance warm-up and then create their own routines to different songs and perform them at the end. A particular highlight was three of our male Year 7 students performing their line dance routine a couple of weeks ago to Cotton Eyed Joe! The students are incredibly supportive of each other and it's a lovely, creative atmosphere to be a part of every Thursday lunch time. 


Keele Netball Trip

Over 50 of our netball players, across year 7-11, visited Keele University for the 2024 Netball festival in June. They experienced what university campus life could be like, participated in seven coaching sessions ran by professional and international netball players and then represented Belvoir in tournaments over the course of the weekend. The girls learnt so much from the weekend and did us proud throughout! The Year 10 team made the U16 Cup final, being narrowly beaten by a club team from Scotland! A special mention goes to one of our Year 9 students who was awarded the U14’s player of the tournament and one of our Year 10 students who received the U16’s player of the tournament. Thank-you to the staff that supported in the running of the trip, the parents for the on-going support and to the Friends of Belvoir for funding our new match t-shirts- take a look at them on the Instagram!



Year 10 Geographers carried out their first piece of GCSE fieldwork, evaluating the impact of coastal defences on the landscape and communities of Hornsea and Mappleton. The rain held off and pupils skilfully used a range of instruments to gather data.


In year 9, pupils have been evaluating the impacts and responses to natural hazards. They have been developing exam technique, with a focus on decoding exam style questions. We are delighted so many are continuing with Geography into GCSE!

Year 8 pupils ventured into the village of Bottesford to collect data on sustainability and crime prevention strategies. They were brilliant at identifying defensible spaces!

In year 7, a recent focus has been the potential relocation of the Nottingham Forest football ground. Pupils thoroughly enjoyed assuming the roles of various stakeholders and presenting their case at the ‘Public Meeting’!


Religious Studies

In March, the majority of year 7 students descended on Derby to take part in a faith trail around the city. This gave students the opportunity to visit religious buildings that many of them would usually never visit and gave them an opportunity to bring the religions they’d been learning about to life. Students visited a Mosque as part of their unit on Islam and spoke to a Muslim teacher to ask any questions they had about Islam, followed by an Asian food tasting workshop which allowed them to try and rate a variety of snacks ranging from exotic fruits to mini pastries that tasted like sausage rolls!

In the afternoon, students visited a Sikhi Gurdwara, learnt about one of the unique throwing weapons used in Sikhi training and got to enjoy some free food in the Langar.

The year 7’s conducted themselves exceptionally well!


This year we have also run several religious themed competitions and received some brilliantly creative entries on decorating their own Hindu Diwali lamp and Jewish Menorah.


Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award

This year saw one of our biggest bronze DofE cohorts completing the expedition, with over 50 of our year 10’s successfully planning their route, camping out in the Vale and cooking for themselves. We were, once again, very lucky with the weather and the students were able to play rounders and other camp games until 11pm at night, before getting their necessary 3 hours sleep- the staff are very grateful for a 3am wake-up from some of the students! Having had their expedition section completed and signed off, a number of our students have now successfully completed their Bronze award, having dedicated their time to physical activity, skill development and volunteering. Well done to the first group of Year 10’s to have received their award! I am looking forward to awarding many more bronze badges following the summer holidays.


Last week, the bronze DofE was launched to our current year 9’s and their parents and I are looking forward to working with them to prepare them for their expedition too!


What a busy two terms it has been! In February year 10 and year 11 watched a French play “Le cours d’art”, centred around five students were attending an art after school club. They were given a task by the teacher who left them alone in the room. When one of them went to leave, they realised the door had been locked from the outside and they were trapped in the room on the fourth floor. Then one by one they started to disappear.   This was a comical performance played by just two actors who played all 5 students. Volunteers took part in the play and our students did a brilliant job playing these impromptu characters.


A few weeks later, year 9 students took part in a French workshop, creating a slogan as well as an advert and leaflet to sell Jelly babies to the French market. They had to understand the culture of the French customers to pitch their advert correctly. After a lot of work and fun, year 9 produced some very interesting and convincing adverts. The workshop was followed by an assembly promoting languages in the world of work. 


In March, Years 7 and 8 watched a play half in French and half in English. Again, some students volunteered to be last minute actors and the cast was extremely funny.

In April a group of Year 8 students spent 5 days in a Chateau in Normandy where only French was spoken! The students had an amazing time with lots of fun activities such as archery, fencing, climbing and breadmaking.  The children very soon understood the language and were also eager to try out their newly acquired French language, especially in the market: all thanks to the lively and engaging animateurs at this centre. It was such a wonderful experience for the students, and we are already oversubscribed for next year’s trip! 


For the Love of Reading

The 2023-24 academic year has seen our new approach to reading interventions become embedded practice. The different pathway programmes (phonics, reading fluency and reading comprehension) have been delivered by Mrs Wigley and Mrs Tucker, and our students have responded really well. Of the 80 students who have been on reading interventions pathways during the course of this year, over 70% of them have made better than expected progress. Some students have achieved massive leaps in their reading ages – with large numbers improving their reading ages by two years or more in six months of interventions.


These intervention programmes have not only enabled students to make improvements with their reading ability, but is has also markedly improved their self- confidence, with students now expressing pride in themselves and their reading ability. They have commented: “I have gained a lot of confidence in reading, and I would happily read to the class now, whereas before I would have been scared to” and “my confidence with reading has shot up”. Additionally, three Year 7 students - were so inspired by one of their reading fluency exercises (a speech by Greta Thunberg) that they took it upon themselves to do a performative read aloud to Mr Newton - Headteacher, who was mightily impressed. Finally, 23 KS3 students, who have been selected as Literacy Legends since the start of the new year, had their achievements acknowledged and celebrated at a special breakfast with Mr Newton during the last week in June.


The summer term has seen an exciting culmination for the Year 9 Carnegie Medal book shadowing group. Over the course of the last 10 weeks, they have read 8 books off the shortlist and discussed their merits with Miss Wilson, Miss Smith and Mrs Turton, selecting their own winner, which was Nathanael Lessore debut novel Steady for This. Due to the success of this book amongst our students, this book will now be read with all of our Year 7 cohort next year in their Reading for Pleasure lessons! Year 9 have also decorated the library with a display of reviews for other students to learn from. 


They also got the opportunity to see the critics winner announced and awarded to the author in person, by attending the prestigious national award ceremony at the Cambridge Theatre in central London, ably driven there by Mr Waddingham. This was a fantastic experience that allowed the students to see lots of authors and illustrators in person and has really inspired our students in their own creative endeavours. The day also allowed for a trip to Foyles bookshop where some lovely souvenirs were purchased. 



This academic year, there has been 10,467 hours of maths homework completed by students at Belvoir (this updates continuously), demonstrating how hard working our students are. There have been 586,228 individual questions answered this academic year across all the students/years. Across all the schools who use Sparx in England, which is 3220 schools, we were ranked the 280th school for completing the highest amount of compulsory homework on time. This is a fantastic achievement for our students as at the start of the year we were 680th. Thank you to all of our parents and carers as without their support we wouldn't do as well as we have done this year.


Year 10

It has been a busy term for Year 10 as they head towards their final year with us at Belvoir. They all completed work experience back in March, and have spoken positively about their opportunities and the skills that they gained. It was so good to receive so much positive feedback from work placements and employers. The majority of students returned to school with a renewed enthusiasm and motivation for their studies. Students have worked hard in preparation for their recent mock exams and will be receiving their results before the summer. A real highlight of the year for Miss Jones, has been going around the year 10 lessons on a Thursday morning when students are in their options subjects – Triple Science, DT, Food, Art, PE and Music. There is real engagement and positivity within all of the groups and it is so great to see the students learning and thriving in subjects they have a passion for.  I hope that Year 10 have a well-deserved rest over the summer and come back ready and excited for their final 9 months with us!


Science Trips

In the penultimate week of term, a small group of our high achieving Year 9 students took part in a STEM challenge day, run in conjunction with the University of Leicester and hosted by Gateway College Leicester. While there, our students competed in teams with students from a variety of schools from across the region. The day gave them a chance to work collaboratively with new people, while also pushing them to complete complex STEM challenges against tough competition. We are especially proud of two of our Year 9 students for winning the Robotics challenge and gaining two trophies to take back with us, presented by the Deputy Lieutenant of Leicestershire. All of the students represented us fantastically and have gained certification to demonstrate their achievement.


60 Year 8 students visited Twycross Zoo to see the animals and have a fantastic session delivered by zoo staff. In the session the students learned about the evolution of monkeys and apes. Some even got to touch the skulls! Around the zoo students also got to see the conservation work Twycross zoo does for primates and learn about why some animals are becoming endangered. The group were a real credit to the school, with fantastic attitudes and behaviour!


Science club has run all year for years 7-9. A lovely bunch of students come each week and get hands on experience of experiments outside of the curriculum. This includes the iodine clock and elephants’ toothpaste! The group have a brilliant passion and love for science. Next year they will also be helping us to plan science club activities!


Iceland Expedition 2024

In March this year, we took 50 pupils from Year 9 and 10 to Iceland.  What an amazing trip that was!  With thick snow in abundance, we explored the rugged volcanic landscape of the north, taking in craters, waterfalls, natural hot pools, whale watching and the Northern Lights.  Our pupils were praised by hotel staff, the coach company and the tour guide for their manners and enthusiasm and it was truly a pleasure to take them away.



BBC Good Food

On Friday 14th June, Mrs Suschitzky took 43 year 10 GCSE students to the Summer BBC Good Food Show at the NEC, Birmingham. Students whiled away a few hours sampling foods, getting recipe inspiration and trying out the latest kitchen gadgets, finishing off with a practical demonstration in the ‘Big Kitchen’ from Michel Roux. A great foodie day out was had by all.


Year 11 Food NEA 2

Early March saw the Year 11’s completing their practical non exam assessment for their GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition. Students had to make 3 dishes (with accompaniments) in 3 hours, the brief being ‘International hotel breakfasts.’ Mrs Suschitzky and the team were amazed at the range and level of practical skills on display in such a short period of time and the presentation of their dishes to such a high standard. Unfortunately, photographs cannot be shown due to JCQ regulations but dishes ranged from cinnamon buns, all day breakfasts, eggs benedict and waffles galore – all elements were homemade from scratch! Well done Year 11!


In May, 55 Year 9 students participated in our annual trip to Ypres to visit the World War One Battlefields. The pupils were able to build on their knowledge of the First World War gained during their History lessons and could put themselves into the soldiers’ shoes to understand the destructive power and futility of war. We visited several museums, Commonwealth War Graves and trenches still partly intact from the war! Many of our pupils had ancestors who fought in the war and are commemorated at the places visited such as at Tyne Cot Memorial. Noah Morris was able to locate the grave of his ancestor and all our pupils paid their respects as Noah laid a cross at the grave to commemorate him. It was a very beautiful moment that made me very proud of our pupils.


Pupils also got to experience the incredibly moving Last Post ceremony at the Menin Gate and the fantastic Noah and Samuel represented our school by laying a wreath during this ceremony. Samuel also introduced the service that evening by reading an extract from the pome “For the Fallen”. This was in front of a packed out ceremony of hundreds of people and was yet another special moment on this wonderful trip. Our pupils were exemplary during the ceremony which required complete silence to fully appreciate the atrocities of the war. Throughout the trip, all of the staff were impressed with the curiosity shown by our students and the questions they asked (apart from the constant “where we going next?”!) We are so proud of how well they represented the Priory Belvoir Academy.

Year 7

Year 7 have finished the year the way they started with an avalanche of bottle tops for Dove Cottage. We will be continuing collecting next year, so please keep collecting over the summer!


This Monday Year 7 enjoyed a well-earned Activity Day. In the morning they chose from a range of activities including fishing, wet felting, fizzy science, bowls, sports, Roman Catapults, Lego, Abstract Art, Photography and Games Camp. This was followed by a Belvoir Cinema Experience in the afternoon. A fantastic day enjoyed by all!


All things Careers:

Year 11 Mock Interviews

We had over 15 volunteer mock interviewers from local employers and professionals, come into the Academy on Wednesday 24th January, to put year 11 through their paces! Students practised their interview techniques, vital going forward for them as post 16 and part time job applications increase. Students said they really enjoyed the day, despite their nerves, and found it a very useful event. Feedback from the employers was very positive, thankfully, the majority of students would have got the job!


Year 10 Work Experience

Year 10 work experience week kicked off with careers drop down day on Monday 11th March to help prepare students for their placements over the next 3 days. Students took part in sessions ran by the RAF, Nottingham College and ASK apprenticeships. Students also had an aspirational talk from Oli Blake, a local businessman in the Vale of Belvoir. All students had valuable experiences of the work place on those 3 days and feedback from employers was overwhelmingly positive, some students were even offered part time jobs as a result!


Year 7/8 Guess the Job                 

On Wednesday 19th June, year 7 and 8 took part in a ‘guess the job’ event. Our 10 volunteer speakers, rotated round our groups ‘speed dating’ style, to see if the students could guess their jobs. The employers then came clean and told our students all about their roles, ranging from Cyber Security to Product Development, and much more. These events helps to raise our students aspirations and challenge any stereotypes they may have regarding roles and gender etc.


Year 11/10 guidance interviews

Year 11 students have now all seen our Careers Guidance Advisor, Lisa Seddon, to discuss their post 16 plans. The applications are in and our students are looking forward to the next exciting stage in their lives.

Year 10 students will now start to see Lisa every Monday. All students will be seen at least once before they leave the academy in the summer of Year 11. If your child would like an appointment sooner rather than later, please contact or


Friends of Belvoir (PTA)

The Friends of Belvoir PTA has had another successful year of fundraising and supporting the academy.

There was a very lucrative night at the Bottesford bonfire night celebration providing hot drinks and refreshments, followed by a brilliant Year 7 disco. Sufficient funds were raised to buy new PE kit for students to wear when representing the school at tournaments and competitions, giving the students extra pride in their achievements.


They were able to support the annual Award Night by successfully canvassing local businesses to sponsor the event and provide funds for the prizes. It was a fabulous night of achievement and so many students were rewarded for their amazing contribution to school life.


The preloved uniform shop is proving popular and there is a lot of brand-new uniform that can be purchased. A student can be kitted out for school for as little as £20, so if there are any requests for uniform, please do not hesitate to contact the Friends, via,  who will be happy to help.


At the start of 2024, the PTA decided to support a year 10 student with his fundraising efforts to put in secure and dry cycle shelters at the academy. The student had already raised £7000 through pitching for grants, doing challenges, holding raffles and selling chocolate at school, so the Friends have been helping him to reach his £10000 target. Nearly 50 bags of unwanted clothes raised much needed cash, as did several pop-up tuck shops! Ice creams were sold on sports day and any opportunity to sell refreshments at school events, the Friends have been there. The student will be doing another challenge in September called the 3 Peaks of Bottesford, so watch this space for details of how you can support him and the project further.


For the next academic year, there will be another clothing/bedding/soft toy/shoes and bags collection, so please start bagging up your unwanted items over the summer! There will be 2 discos (yr 7 and yr 8) and a film night for year 7s. Please visit their stall at bonfire night too!

If there are any parents out there with fundraising ideas or who would like to share some of the work involved in running the PTA, please contact

Thank you for everyone who has supported us over this year and allowed us to make a small difference to the students’ time at the academy.


Term Dates 2024-25


[End of 2023-24 summer term]

Wednesday 10th July 2024

Holiday: Thursday 11th July to Tuesday 3rd September 2024 

Module 1

Wednesday 4th September 2024 to Friday 18th October 2024

Holiday: Saturday 19th to Sunday 27th October 2024 

Module 2

Monday 28th October 2024 to Friday 20th December 2024

Holiday: Saturday 21st December 2024 to Monday 6th January 2025

Includes Public Holidays: Wednesday 25th & Thursday 26th December,  Wednesday 1st January

Module 3

Tuesday 7th January 2025 to Friday 14th February 2025

Holiday: Saturday 15th to Sunday 23rd February 2025

Module 4

Monday 24th February 2025 to Friday 4th April 2025

Holiday: Saturday 5th to Monday 21st April 2025

Includes Public Holidays: Friday 18th and Monday 21st April

Module 5

Tuesday 22nd April 2025 to Friday 23rd May 2025

Holiday: Saturday 24th May 2025 to Sunday 1st  June 2025    

Includes Public Holidays:  Monday 5th & Monday 26th May

Module 6

Monday 2nd June 2025 to Friday 18th July 2025

Staff training days

Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd September 2024

Monday 6th January 2025