Expectations of Students
The Priory Belvoir Ethos
The Belvoir Academy inspires and excites pupils to be passionate about learning
As a student I pledge to.....
1. Have the highest possible expectations for what I can achieve at The Priory Belvoir Academy and beyond
2. Behave well in class, in school, to and from school and whilst on school activities
3. Wear my uniform smartly and in accordance with the Academy's expectations
4. Come to school every day
5. Focus on learning - make every lesson count
6. Complete my homework thoroughly and on time - work independently
7. Set myself challenging targets and devise appropriate plans to achieve them
8. Commit to extra-curricular activities
9. Participate positively in academy activities
10. Take responsibility for the environment and the wider community
11. Inform a member of staff if I am concerned about anything or anyone