Year 6/7 Transition
There are 140 places in each year group. Approximately 100 of these are taken each year by children who live in our catchment area. The criteria for admissions to the academy are detailed in our Admissions Policy. Applications for admission have to be sent to the Local Authority in which you live.
We operate a transition/induction schedule throughout Year 6. This begins with the Open Week held in late September/early October when parents can make an appointment to join their child for a guided tour of the academy during the school day. Throughout the year, staff from Priory Belvoir Academy visit the main feeder primary schools (including those out of catchment) to talk to teachers, children and parents. Then, in July, we hold one induction day for the pupils joining the academy in September, at the end of which is an Open Evening at which parents are able to meet their child’s form tutor. The first Parents’ Evening for Year 7 pupils is held in October.